November 3rd, 2021 data were obtained from a study performed in real flights where human participants rated the comfort at several moments during the flight. Additionally, measurements were taken in the aircraft on noise, vibration, temperature, CO2, humidity, sitting dimensions etc. These data will be used in building a simulator/demonstrator and a comfort model.

The results of these three ATR72 flight recordings will be presented by members of the ComfDemo consortium in the webinar on November 23th at 14:00 CET. The programme of the webinar:

14:00 Opening (Dr. Victor Norrefeldt, Manager Vehicle Climate Control Systems, Fraunhofer IBP)

14:05 Interactive start on a white board: attendees write issues in turboprop flying

14:10 Overview: aircraft interior priorities based on passengers’ opinions (Prof dr Peter Vink, vhp)

14:20 Inflight questionnaire results (prof dr Britta Herbig, Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München)

14:30 The jacket results recording CO2, temp., humidity, acceleration etc (Dr Y. Song, TU-Delft)

14:40 Discussion starting with white board words on what do attendees remember

15:00 Break

15:10 Results of measurements in the turboprop (Dr Michael Bellmann, ITAP)

15:20 Vibration and noise in the flight and the lab (Prof Neil Mansfield, Nottingham Trent University)

15:30 Experiencing noise cancelling headphones, earplugs in turboprops (Gerbera Vledder, TU-Delft)

15:40 A comfort model based on flight data (Prof Neil Mansfield, Prof dr Britta Herbig)

16:00 Discussion/questions starting with the white board on what do you remember of the webinar

16:30 Closing

The attendance is free, if you want to join email to: Tanja Hubert (email:

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